Pick a Charity

15. Pick a charity.
One thing I have come to notice that keeps people from achieving growth and success in their lives is that they have little sense of purpose. What I mean by this is they feel little need or desire to work on themselves because they feel that their lives are mundane and they don’t see the benefit of striving to reach their dreams. I believe when you have something to focus on that is larger than yourself, it can give you a new sense of rejuvenation. This is where finding a charity to apply yourself can be a wonderful Tool to help realign your priorities to work on areas of your own life.

The first part of this Tool that helps you work your blueprint is seeing people who are often less fortunate than you. By helping others overcome their challenges in life, you begin to wonder what’s your excuse. Why are you not doing the best you can do with the obstacles you need to overcome? You may also discover some methods and insights on how people with difficulties handle those issues. The more you see people striving to survive and succeed, the more likely you are to do the same.

Next, feeling needed by a charitable organization and the people benefiting from the generosity of that charity gives you a sense of belonging, a sense of being a part of something larger than yourself. This feeling will spark a personal need to make yourself better. You know you are needed so the better the place you are in, the more apt you are to help others. In addition, you will seek out new information to help those in need that by nature will only rub off on yourself as you strive for success. Not to mention the constant thank you’s that you will be receiving, that alone will have you feeling better about yourself. There is no greater reward than helping others. For doing so, you will be rewarded.

By entering a new arena that you know little about and them knowing little about you, the opportunity to reinvent yourself is presented. People are always asking for a fresh start. Well, here is your chance. If you are always late, start arriving early to your new charity. If you feel you need to be more of a leader, there are plenty of opportunities in charitable organizations for leadership positions. Any area that you want to start becoming better at you can. These new people will only know you based on your performance within the organization. You have the opportunity to be however you want to be.

Lastly, if every one of us picked our own charitable organization, could you imagine how much better the world would be? We are not just talking about donating money. Often your time is far more important to a group than just cash. The impact would be widely felt; smaller government, smaller taxes and the ability to help others out of a sense of duty, not obligation. If everyone picked a charity of their own, the world would be a much happier place.