Your Mid-Week Butt Kickin’: Finding Your Sprinkles

I received a book in the mail called Find Your Sprinkles by Chris Mott. I had no idea where the book came from (I later found out one of the readers of my blog was nice enough to send me a copy). I haven’t read it yet, but I did skim through it to get a gist of what the book was about. The book was basically about building your life. It did this through the metaphor of making a cupcake. It talked about picking the recipe, what you would put in the cupcake, the time it takes to cook the cupcakes, savoring every bite, and then finally……the sprinkles.

Why did I pick this to blog about? Because it is the same thing my book talks about. AND almost every other self-help book talks about! That you are the one responsible for “building” your life or “cooking” your life or “traversing” your life. Time and time and time and time again all of our books try to convey the same message in a way the reader can identify with. That YOU and no one else are responsible for where you are today and where you are going tomorrow. When YOU grasp this concept, you will start to foster success. Is it a coincidence that almost all the authors say the same thing?

Now go kick butt, and let’s start with your butt!